Polynomial Modeling of Transformer Hazard Using Artificial Neural Network

Document Type : Research articles


1 Energy Management Head of Quality, SIEMENS, Cairo, Egypt

2 Electrical Power and Machines Dep., Faculty of Eng., Ain shams University, Cairo, Egypt

3 Electrical Engineering Dept., Faculty of Engineering & technology, Future University in Egypt, Cairo, Egypt


The conventional way of forming the hazard lifetime function of transformers applies the best modeling based on the history data using Hazard Plotting Approach (HPA) under different functions: Normal Distribution, Lognormal Distribution, Weibull Distribution and Smallest Extreme Value Distribution. In this paper will propose a new method to develop best modeling using Artificial Neural Network- based polynomial model with minimum error to represent the hazard function for transformer. The procedure of applying the proposed methodology is simple. The quality of the obtained results ensures the adequacy of applying of this methodology for expecting the failure time of the transformer.
