Peer Review Process

All manuscript will be assigned to more than one reviewer. As soon as we receive an article, the Editorial office will Pre-Review your manuscript in one week. The editor will check whether the manuscript is valid and language is fluent and necessary factors are all included. The editor sends the paper to two reviewers registered in ERJ database according to their specialty without any personal details about the authors. Reviewers are asked to return their comments within two weeks. Reviewer comments and decision is sent to the authors (In case of refusing the article from one of the two reviewers, editor sends the paper to another reviewer. If two reviewers agree to reject the article, editor is then returning it to the authors with reviewers comment and publishing process is then aborted). If the reviewers gave their permission for publication with minor modifications, editor return the comments to the  authors to complete the required modifications and return it again to ERJ editor. The paper becomes ready to be published and scheduled in the nearest issue.