Water Management in Kuwait for Facing Future Challenges

Document Type : Research articles


1 Civil Engineering Dept. Faculty of Engineering at Shoubra, Benha University, Cairo, Egypt.

2 Nile Research Institute (NRI), National Water Research Center (NWRC)


The main challenge facing the water resources system in Kuwait is the limited availability of water supply resources. In order to meet the needs for increasing demand for fresh water, the production capacity increased by more than 400 times during the past six decades. Saving water and electricity are the basis for the development now taking place in Kuwait. The average consumption of water per capita jumped from 22 cubic meters in 1960 to reach 164 cubic meters in 2014 where this consumption is considered as one of the highest consumptions all over the world. The objectives of this research are to study the current and future water budget up to Year 2030 based on different scenarios (depending on population growth) and to propose some measures to reduce demand-based on controlling both the population growth and water price. This research implemented the water evolution and planning (WEAP) Model. The findings indicated that the continuation of current policies will result in water shortage in 2030 which equal 277 MCM/year in case of the continuation of the current policies. The un-met demand would be completely covered for all sectors in 2030 after implementing some measures. On the other hand, the water supply decreased by 120.63 MCM/year as result of the
new policy. The new policy permitted 150 L/capita/day for free and then set a price of 1$ per additional consumed
cubic meter for Ambitious and Economic Scenario.
