A Light Fidelity (Li-Fi) Transceiver for Encoded Images

Document Type : Research articles


1 National research institute and Geophysics, Cairo, Egypt

2 Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering at Shobra, Benha University, Cairo,Egypt

3 Department of Electrical Engineering, Al Safwa High Institute of Engineering, Cairo, Egypt


In this paper a prototype Li-Fi transceiver isused to transfer a two dimensional (2D) image using UART serial communication from one PC to another PC using VLC. The Arduinos are used at both ends for controlling the overall data transmission process, and also they convert the data from ASCII string format to binary at transmitter side and vice versa the receiver side. Conversion is required to make data into a suitable file to be recognized by the PC software using Base64 encoding technique. In order to access the file and transmit it serially user interface (UI) is developed using C Sharp (C#.Net). Thus the transmission of 2D image from one PC to other PC is carried out with Li-Fi technology using LEDs and phototransistors, with the data rate of 57600 bits per second, over a distance of one meter successfully using light as a transmission medium.
