Fault Detection for Medical Equipment by Electrical Signature Analysis

Document Type : Research articles


1 Center for Advanced Software and Biomedical Engineering Consultations, Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt.

2 Systems and Biomedical Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt.



Medical equipment are critical and high cost components in the healthcare system. This paper presents an automatic fault detection system to increase reliability and efficient use of medical equipment. The system is implemented based on an embedded circuit that uses real-time, external and non-invasive electric current sensor to apply Electrical Current Signature Analysis (ECSA). The Root Mean Square (RMS) of the collected data were calculated, saved and analyzed. The system has been tested for two different models of medical equipment. Promising results were obtained from testing two types of laboratory equipment. The system was able to detect the occurrence of different faults during equipment use in several modes of operation.
