Validation of 3D Numerical Model SSIIM to Simulate and Predict Local Scour around Bridge Abutments

Document Type : Research articles


Civil Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering at Shoubra, Benha University, Egypt.


Scour may occur because of the natural changes of flow in the channel or because of man-made activities. A precise numerical model that can simulate local scour around bridge abutments and predict maximum or equilibrium scour depths is an important issue for engineers and researchers. This paper investigates the validation of a numerical model to simulate andpredict local scour at bridge abutments. The numerical model that will be used in this paper is Sediment-Simulation-In-Intakes-with-Multiblock-option “SSIIM”. The default k–εturbulence model will be used for calculating the turbulent shear stress as a simpler turbulence model. Also, the SIMPLE method is used for pressure corrections. The main objective of this paper is to build and validate a numerical model that cansimulate and predict local scour around bridge abutment with high accuracy and can be used for any further studies and experiments that are not easily done in the laboratory.
