The Infection Control Risk Assessment And Appropriate Design Methods for Optimizing Healthcare-associated infections In Outpatient Departments of Hospitals.

Document Type : Research articles


Departmant of Architecture Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Ain shams University , Cairo, Egypt.


Architectural design has a great impact on humans because it controls the risk of infection transfer to achieve environments that can contribute to patients’ healing and well-being. Therefore, health is a very important need for humans and keeps it as well, however, it is common to be infected by the illness through going to therapeutic and medical places which is called (HAIs). Infections occur during people receive treatment in healthcare facilities for other diseases or any other Health complaint. As part of this approach, the interior design of the outpatient area is considered a major vital element in the whole life cycle of, a healthcare building. In recent years, healthcare facilities have suffered from hospital-acquired infections, AS 5% of anyone admitted to healthcare facilities can contract with an HAI and 1 in 20 patients in the U.S. acquired a healthcare-associated infection per year of Appropriate design methods. The role of infection control mentioned in this study is to review and approve the role of applying passive techniques for improving the comfort and satisfaction of healthcare patients and occupants in their working environments as a place feel them by health and safety, Clarify the effect of passive techniques on infection control risk assessment (ICRA), improving the different designs of outpatient areas, and deducing more vision into the post-occupancy evaluation and suggesting the best building interior design considerations for the healthy environment to future healthcare designs. The result of this study was to determine Appropriate design methods for optimizing infection risk possibilities.
