Using Eye-tracking tools in the visual assessment of architecture

Document Type : Research articles


1 Benha University, faculty of Engineering

2 architecture department, faculty of engineering, Shoubra branch, Benha university


The motivation for this research stems from the belief that some currently available technologies are 
overlooked in architecture practice, despite their significant potentials and capabilities. These potentials can help 
architects better understand the impact of architecture and design proposals in a more scientific way. Whereas the 
main purpose of this research is to review relevant studies, characteristics, and potentials of various types of modern 
eye-tracking technology in architectural design and architecture visual assessment. Such motivation and purpose 
arrived from recognizing the problem concerning the absence of an objective tool that can detect and analyze how 
observers visually perceive architecture. Moreover, as current visual assessment of architecture is widely conducted 
by reporting subjective opinions which can be biased, mis-expressed, or misleading.
Through the revision of eye-tracking technology`s characteristics, revision of recent academic research concerning 
the implementation of eye-tracking technology in architecture, and assessment of the technology from an 
architectural perspective, this study adds to the field of research in architecture visual perception and recognition by; 
(1) reviewing eye-tracking research, (2) expanding the knowledge regarding the role played by eye-tracking 
technologies in architecture, and (3) establishing a connection between eye-tracking technologies and architecture 
practice. Conclusively, the study concluded that eye-tracking technologies have some advantages to the field of 
architecture despite of having some disadvantages and incompatibilities that conflict with the architecture practice 
